TRAPPED DOWNTOWN provides fun (and challenging) hands-on problem-solving experiences. You will have 60 minutes to find clues, solve puzzles, and crack codes to escape one of our uniquely themed rooms.

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Current Rooms


The Boundary Waters

While enjoying the scenic beauty of The Boundary Waters in Minnesota, your canoe breaks in half forcing you to swim to shore. The sun sets in 60 minutes. Will you find a radio to call for help?



3-6 People



The Dojo

Your family just moved to Reseda, California and you’re having a tough time fitting in at school. You find out that karate is making a comeback with area teenagers and think that might be something you could try to meet some new friends.

The All-Valley Karate Tournament is in a few months also, but this year’s qualifying criteria is different than previous years: all competitors must be affiliated with a local dojo, and need to have earned their black belt in order to register.

You haven’t heard really good things about Cobra Kai dojo though, and Miyagi-do is pretty new. Your parents did come across a new dojo down the road from your house that primarily focuses on critical thinking and problem-solving.

The term “dojo” is actually meant as a place for immersive learning or meditation, and since you really want to learn the mental side of karate, you decide to give Trapped Downtown Dojo a try.

Now, you just need to earn that black belt so you can register for the tournament….ready, begin!



3-6 People

60% Escape Rate



The Game Room

Do you like games? Of course you do! Our newest room has all of your favorite game night games in one escape room experience.

This room will definitely challenge your puzzle-solving skills!

Board game on the wall


2-4 People

45% Escape Rate



The Scientist

Noted entomologist Dr. Husen has selected you to work with him as a graduate assistant in his lab. Over the years, his research has led to the successful identification and treatment of numerous insect-borne infectious diseases.

His experience is needed now more than ever though since a new mystery pandemic has swept across the southeast killing millions and infecting hundreds of thousands more…including Dr. Husen!

You believe that the answers to this new disease may be found in his lab, but you don’t even know where to start.

What is it? How is it being transmitted? What are the signs and symptoms? Can it be treated?

You’ll need to think fast because the hospital informed you that he has just been taken off of life support and only has “about 60 minutes left.”

Find the answers, save the scientist!

Science book page with illustrations of bug


3-6 People

45% Escape Rate